Monday, June 27, 2011

Psych Rotation

Kenny is finishing up his Psych rotation this week and I am a very Happy camper! This is has been a really fun and busy rotation for Kenny because he has also been working with the Nero Doctor because the hospital thought they wouldn't get enough experience with just the psych Dr, since he is so busy. SO that means Kenny has been putting in 12 hour days M-F and working on Sunday's too. It has been very long and exhausting for both of us. He comes home drained and I am at home just waiting to jump into something after being home all day, so we are a little opposite at the moment and for you married ones out there... you know that does not work! We have managed, but the last 6 weeks have been a rough adjustment. BUT I also know this is only the start of it... we still have at least 6 more years to go.. so I am doing my best to keep busy. Which leads me to August!

I can not wait for Kaylee Jo to get here! She is going to be an adjustment we know, but since I am not working and am able to be home with her I am starting to think God knew the perfect time for her to come! This way Kenny and I won't be on such opposite schedules... we will both be exhausted! HA

Family visits!

We have been in Chicago for 2 months now! I can't believe it.. so needless to say we were missing family. We were so happy to hear that Casey, Susanna and Judah were coming to visit! I was probably the most excited because I have been dying for some people interaction. They came on Monday and stayed until Wednesday, even though it was short it was VERY SWEET! We needed that family time just as they did. While they were here We got to take Judah to the children museum and he loved it!
Judah loved the water section, I think he would of stayed all day if would of let him!

I love his little face!

This smile says it all:)

Judah and Auntie Nina! He got so good and saying my name.. he has the sweetest little voice.

Love my wonderful family! Can't wait to see them again when baby Kaylee comes.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

I have been blessed to have one of the greatest dad's there is. He has taught me how to be a woman of God, seek him above all else and to follow all my dreams. What kid wouldn't want to be to taught these foundational skills of life! So when God took my daddy home 2 1/2 years ago, my world was shaken and turned upside down. You never think it will happen to you, you always think that your family will be around forever or at least until you are older and have had kids of your own. Losing my dad was and is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through, but because I have leaned on God through it all he has taught me to see all that my dad was. Just because he is not here anymore doesn't mean he doesn't still live in me and now my beautiful baby girl to be!

I have learned so much about a father's love these past 2 1/2 years, not just an earthly father but a heavenly one, before losing my dad I never had the need for a heavenly father because God had blessed me with a wonderful earthly one. Now that I have had both, it is as if I am even more complete becasue now I know what it is to have the love of an earthly father and to have the love of a heavenly one as well.

So this is a story from my heart to Thank God for blessing me with a wonderful relationship with my father, for allowing me to know Christ at a deeper level and to now be able to watch the relationship of my daughter and my husband grow.

God truly does know what we need every second of every day, he knows our needs before we do(like having a baby girl first so I won't be as easily reminded of my dad like I might have been with a baby boy). SO trust in him when times are good and believe he is YOUR father when times are bad.

Happy Fathers Day DAD!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Medical School

Ever since I can remember Kenny has said he wanted to be a doctor. He says it all started when he was 8 years old and he was at church listening to some Dr's who came to talk about Mercy ships. He saw pictures of several different children with cleft palates and he remembers feeling so sad for them, he then saw how these Dr.'s were able to help these children and from that moment on he knew he was going to b a Dr, he wanted to help people just like these Dr.'s he had listened to. 8 years later he met me, and this dream just as real now as it was then, and thus this was the start of our journey. The whole 5 years we were dating he would remind me that he is an investment. Not able to give me everything now but some day when he was a Dr he would. I apparently believed him because here we sit in his 3rd year of Medical school!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Now comes the baby in the baby carriage

ALMOST! We are expecting our first baby August 19th, 2011. We could not be more excited for her to be welcomed into our arms. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved children and knew someday that being a mother would be the greatest gifts God could ever give me. So when we lost our first baby in September 2011, I was devastated to say the least, but somehow through the pain and sorrow I found God's joy and strength to know that this dream of being a mom would not be ending. This was just a hurdle we had to jump. I kept faith and 2 months later.... PREGNANT! I am now 30 weeks along and feeling great. God really has a way of making life's dreams happen on his time.
It has been a fast and fun pregnancy, but I'll admit that losing the first one has made me more anxious that something bad is going to happen with this one, but again this is why God gave me Kenny. He NEVER worries about these kind of things, he seems to be able to trust God in all circumstances and believe the best will happen. Through prayers and the confidence I have in the Lord I know this baby is wonderfully and beautifully made!

12 weeks

16 weeks
20 weeks
25 weeks
27 weeks


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Then comes Marriage

5 Years later, on Christmas Eve I got the shock of my life! I walked into Kenny's parents house where we were going to celebrate Christmas, as I walked in Mary Jo (Kenny's mom) had asked us to go check on fire to make sure it was out. Kenny and I walked out to the fire pit and as we got closer, a thousand white Christmas lights turned on and it looked like a castle over the bonfire pit, there were red rose pedals spread all around the area and music playing. I stopped and looked at Kenny and said, "What is going on?" He smiled and said, " I just wanted to make Christmas special this year." I really accepted that answer becasue he was always doing romantic things for me like this. We sat down on the swing and exchanged gifts. After a little while Kenny said he had one more gift for me and he pulled out a peom he had written. It was the story of our love and at the very end he got down on one knee and finally asked me, "Nina, will you make me the happiest man and be my wife?" All I could say was is this really happening? Yes it was and my response.. YES! The planning started and one year later on January 11th, 2011 I became Mrs. Kenneth Quam!

He is all I know and all I ever wanted, he not only knows me better than I know myself, he challenges me to to be the woman God designed me to be everyday. That is why I love him so much, he makes me a better person.

First comes love

Kenny and I met back in 2002 when we were just juniors in high school. It seems crazy to think that we have been together for 8  years now!