Monday, December 5, 2011

Meeting the Swan kids!

I was so excited to introduce Kaylee to the Swan kids... they have been "my" kids for 10 years now and they are such a special part of my life. It was such an emotional, crazy and exciting experience to watch them LOVE in my baby girl. We are all one big family and I feel so blessed to know Kaylee will have them in her life forever:)

1st Thanksgiving

We went home for Thanksgiving this year and Kaylee did great! We left at 4:30am so Kaylee would sleep and she did! It was so great to be home and eat LOTS of food:) Kaylee loved getting to see her Nanna and Papa, KatKat and Aunties and Uncles!

3 Months Old! November 20th 2011

3 Months already! I can't believe it.. it has gone so fast. You are a complete joy and we love watching you grown more and more each day. You laugh all the time and always give mom and dad the BIGGEST smiles when we walk in the room. This month you have been facinated with Daddy, eveyrtime you see him you let out the cutest little giggle and smile. It melts his heart every time:) You got to go back up to MN for Thanksgiving. We left at 430am so you would sleep the whole way.. AND YOU DID! Good girl:) You have been grabbing your toys and holding on to them more, as well as putting them in your mouth. You just started teething and even with the pain I know your in you are still as happy as ever. You get a lot of Mommy and Kaylee time throughout the day and we love to play on the floor jungle gym together and ready stories. You love looking at your books and will grab at each page as I turn them. You favorite book right now is "I will love you through and through." You LOVE to TALK! You scream at your animals while you are playing and constantly making noises wherever you are. You have become a great sleeper and sleep a solid 12 hours at night with only getting up once!!! WOW
I love you Kaylee Girl:)