Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kaylee Jo is Born! August 20th 2011

On Saturday August 20th at 6:42pm Kaylee Jo was born. From the moment we saw you we knew you were the miracle God had promised us. This is the story of how you (Kaylee Jo) Came into the world.

It started on Wed August 17th, I started having contraction while your dad and I were out shopping for last minute things for you.. around 3pm. They were not very strong and felt like sharp pains in my back off and on, I didn't think to much about it since they were coming and going. We went home and unloaded all the things we had gotten that day, I decided to go get a pedicure since it may be the last one for a while. At this point the contractions had stopped. As I was sitting in the chair being pampered the contractions came back(6pm) I drove home and told your dad that I was having them again, this time there were about every 12 min and coming constantly but still too far apart to go in. By 9pm I was still having them and they were getting stronger but still far apart. I called my mom(your Kat Kat) and told her what was happening and she decided to drive on down through the night because she was afraid she would miss it! The contractions kept coming until 1am and then they stopped completely. Kat Kat and My Nina (great grandma) arrived around 2am. The next day was my Dr. apt for my 40 week check up, I explained to the Dr. what had been happening and she decided to schedule an induction on Saturday morning just in case you didn't come by then, but she was pretty positive that you would be here before Saturday. We left feeling really good about you coming that night or the next for sure!
That night I had a lot of cramping and continual contractions all, but still nothing!
Friday August 19th
I woke up feeling good not in much pain so your Kat Kat, My Nina and I went for a walk about 1 mile around where we live, started to feel some contractions at that point so I cam home and took a nap, when I woke up we went for another walk! By the time we got back your Nana Jo and Papa Q were here! Still nothing so we all went out to eat for one last meal as we awaited you arrival! You uncle Johann and Kaleb were on there way down too!

Saturday Morning!
5am!We woke up and were so excited that TODAY was the day! We had all the bags ready to go and off we went to be induced to get you here. We got to the hospital around 5:45 and the nurse started hooking me up to the IV's to get the contractions going. I instantly started contracting about every 8 min. You were ready! Then we waited around for a while to see how fast you were going to move. At 8am the Dr. came in and broke my water and that's when I started to feel the pain! You were working hard in there at that point. I pushed through those contractions for about 3 hours and then got an epidural which helped ease the pain some. The Dr. cam back in at 12:30 and said I was still only 3cm so we still had some time. The next 2 hours I started having really strong contraction about every minute to 2 minutes. The nurse came in and turned down my medications but I kept contracting on my own. At about 2:30 the Dr. Came back and said I was at an 8! WOOHOOO I said really oh yeah I am going to cry I am so happy! I was hurting and hoping that meant something. When the family came back in I asked them to guess where I was at and they cuouldn't believe I was that far along already. The next 2 hours went pretty quick as I was in a lot of pain... but the around 4pm I started pushing! 2 1/2 hours later you were here!!!! The first thing I said was "She is so little" and then I laid back and said Oh thank You Jesus!!

Daddy helped get you all cleaned up and then brought you over to me... it was the most perfect moment in all the world getting to hold you! Daddy and I prayed over you and then he went to get the family and the picture taking began!

We love you Kaylee Jo and it was the most perfect day!

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